Name: Gellis, Meier Iankelevich
Variants and Aliases: Girsh Izrailovich Gellis
DoB (OS): 1852 (1857?)
Place of Birth: Odesa
Background: Jewish tradesman’s family
Occupation: printer, revolutionary
Arrested: 1879
Trial: Odessa Trial of the 19 (1879)
Sentence: Death sentence, commuted to lifelong hard labour
Incarceration prior to Shlissel’burg: Kara Hard Labour; Peter and Paul Fortress (St Petersburg)
Date of transfer to Shlissel’burg (OS): 02/08/1884
Date of transfer (NS): 14/08/1884
Date of death (OS): 10/10/1886
Date of death (NS): 22/10/1886
Place of death: Shlissel’burg Fortress