
Name: Karaulov, Vasilii Andreevich
DoB (OS): 12/11/1854
Dob (NS): 24/11/1854
Place of Birth: Toropets district (Pskov Governate)
Background: hereditary nobility
Occupation: revolutionary
Arrested: 1884
Trial: Trial of the 12 (1884)
Sentence: 4 years’ hard labour
Date of transfer to Shlissel’burg (OS): 24/12/1884
Date of transfer (NS): 05/01/1885
Date of release from Shlissel’burg (OS): 08/11/1888
Date of release (NS): 20/11/1888
Transferred to: Krasnoyarsk (exile)
Activity after release: pharmacist, medical assistant, teacher; Cadet party deputy (1907)
Date of death (OS): 18/12/1910
Date of death (NS): 01/01/1911