Name: Butsinskii, Dmitrii Timofeevich
DoB (OS): 09/02/1855
Dob (NS): 21/02/1855
Place of Birth: Kursk Province
Background: clergy family
Occupation: student
Membership of revolutionary groups: People’s Will
Arrested: 1879
Trial: 1880
Sentence: 20 years’ hard labour
Incarceration prior to Shlissel’burg: Kara Hard Labour (to 1882); Peter and Paul Fortress (St Petersburg)
Date of transfer to Shlissel’burg (OS): 04/08/1884
Date of transfer (NS): 16/08/1884
Date of death (OS): 16/07/1891
Date of death (NS): 28/07/1891
Place of death: Shlissel’burg Fortress
Cause of death: stomach cancer
Writings: ‘Iz zapiski D. T. Butsinskogo’
Depicted in: Pankratov, Life in Shlissel’burg Fortress